25 thoughts on “FUNNY : SWANSEA BALL BOY (Charlie Morgan) ON HAZARDS KICK TROLL

  1. I am a Swansea fan but hazard didn’t do anything wrong ballboy is a bit of a dick

  2. I wish hazard would have kicked the cunts head in. Would`ve loved seeing his brains splattered all over the advertising hoardings.

  3. Dobrze mu kurwa zrobił. Na chuj go wkurwiał ?
    Z resztą kopnął w piłkę a nie w niego!
    Pierdolony gówniarz symulant !
    Fuck Yeah !


  4. spoilt little rich boy, now has a price on his head, daddy better buy some minders

  5. WOW that kid is an amazing soccer player, i almost believed he was actually hurt, somebodies got to sign that kid

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